Answer Your Questions on Chewing Gum

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Keep your smile safe from the risks that may be present in your oral health. Effective oral hygiene habits are essential to keep your mouth clean. Beyond brushing and flossing, it is important to wash out your mouth after eating. Due to the heightened risk of sensitivity to your teeth, alternative methods of brushing will be needed. One highly effective treatment to consider is through the use of saliva producing methods such as chewing sugarless gum.

Taking care of your smile often consists of using products that you may not think of as traditional oral health cleaners. This includes chewing gum. Chewing gum is a non-abrasive product that can help keep your smile clean. In situations such as after eating, the risk for heightened tooth sensitivity may be present. This is important because traditional cleaning methods such as brushing may be too abrasive and can potentially damage your tooth enamel. Instead, try using sugarless chewing gum.

The main reason chewing gum is so healthy for your mouth is because it can help provide disease-fighting substances for your mouth, and neutralize the effects of harmful acids on your teeth and gums. It can also wash away food debris that may begin to build up. Furthermore, it is also effective for the treatment of heartburn. Thus, chewing sugarless gum can help prevent heartburn by neutralizing acids that travel up your esophagus and into your mouth. As a general rule of thumb, always use sugarless chewing gum because sugars can lead to additional oral health ailments.

Are you still seeking more information concerning advanced oral health care treatments? If you would like more information about advanced oral health care treatments or would like to schedule an appointment with Dodge Family Dental, you can call us at 801-225-8060. Dr. Keith Dodge and our entire team here at our dentist office in Orem, Utah, look forward to seeing you.